Climate change & global warming

«The temperature contrast between the Northern and Southern hemispheres, called the interhemispheric temperature asymmetry (ITA), is an emerging indicator of global climate change. The observed annual-mean ITA (north minus south) has varied within a 0.8°C range and features a significant positive trend since 1980:

This increase is mainly attributed to the uneven spatial impacts of greenhouse forcing, which result in amplified warming in the Arctic and northern landmasses.

The observed ITA did not exhibit a significant trend over most of the twentieth century; however, it began a pronounced upward trend (north warming faster than south) around 1980, which the CMIP5 simulations reproduce more strongly.»

The southern hemisphere has 81% of its surface covered with water, which attenuates the temperature variation observed more intensely in the northern hemisphere. Perhaps this constitutes a strategic element to be analyzed for the future of agricultural or livestock companies in the northern hemisphere.., the vast lands of ARGENTINA seem to be one of the safest places to settle down.

Summary of «Interhemispheric Temperature Asymmetry over the Twentieth Century and in Future Projections»

Marcos Snyder

La imagen tiene un atributo ALT vacío; su nombre de archivo es snyder-con-vacas-21-1.jpg